Announcing the arrival of Charlotte Marina Crespo!!!!
She was born on Wednesday June 24th 2009 at 8:52 am weighing 7 lbs with length of 19 1/2 inches.
As far as the birth was concerned it was VERY fast. I went in for my appointment the day before and I was 3 cm dilated. Knowing how far we lived and how fast Elizabeth came he had me come in the next day to be induced (he didn't want me to have to give birth in the car on the freeway while on my way to the hospital).
I came in at 6am found out I was a 4-5 then they started the pitocin drip about 7am and I had her less than two hours later. It was so fast that by the time I told Jai to get the nurse and she came in, my water broke, they paged the doctor and less than 5 minutes later the nurse had to deliver her!!! It was really amazing that your body really knows what to do. I think it was less dramatic than Lizzie's birth and just really cool (probably because it didn't take so long to push the second time)
I will post more pictures later. But here is one where you can see her dimples already!! Definitely in a different place than Lizzie's.